...so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him. Hebrews 9:28

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Our Day with the O'Sullivans

One of our best days yet was the day we spent with the O'Sullivan family.  They live in Ireland and are longtime friends of a family dear to us, the Kusyks, who live in Charlottesville.  While we were in County Galway, we found out we were only about an hour from where they lived, so we decided to try to pay them a visit ~ easier said than done when your phones don't really work, the GPS does not seem to know the location you are requesting, and there are NO street signs ANYWHERE! 

The directions we had gotten from Margaret seemed pretty straightforward, but we got a little lost.   We stopped at the store in this photo, hoping for some help.  This area of Ireland is especially rich in Irish culture and language as you can see from the signage.   We made our way closer to our destination, but still didn't find it.  Then,  just as we had pulled over on a road and asked a young guy (I think he said his name was Aidan, but I am not sure ~ the way things are pronounced does not always align itself with how my mind thinks they should be spelled) whether he knew the O'Sullivans, serendipitously, the one time Jeff's phone has worked on this trip, it rang and it was Margaret, wondering if we were lost.  Margaret talked to Aidan and we followed him in his car and eventually we were happy to see Margaret and her girls, Una and Ella, standing on the side of the road, waving their arms to flag us down.  Jeff and I sat down for a cup of tea with Margaret, while Ben and Chris went outside and got acquainted with the girls.  Then we headed toward the water to meet up with Morgan, who was going to take us out on his boat to the island where they are renovating an old schoolhouse.

The beautiful Ella

The boat ride out to Inis Bearochan ~ Margaret, if you read this, did I spell that right? :)

View of the boat landing as seen from the school house.

If I am remembering this correctly, there is no one currently living on the island.  The O'Sullivan's own property on the island ~ property that has been in Morgan's family for several generations.  They are renovating a building that was at one time a schoolhouse for the 20+ families that used to live on the island.  This photo is a picture of some artwork from an art exhibit they had in the schoolhouse on the island last year.  The artist made portraits by growing grass (or not growing grass).  They were faded, but you could still make out the figures and I saw a photo or two of what they had looked like ~ it was fascinating!  

This was the "road" to one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen.  I am not sure how much time we spent there, but it was NOT long enough for Ben and Chris ~ they did not want to leave!

This is Joe, the O'Sullivan's 15 year-old son.  He kindly gave Ben a ride down to the beach since "somehow" Ben's shoes had gotten completely soaked.

Una, Ben, and Chris looking for hermit crabs.

The search for shells and "bairne", or barnacles, which are a little shellfish that the girls assured us were delicious when roasted.

Una and Ella

Joe, Ben, and Chris searching for barnacles....they brought back a pailful!  I don't think Ben and Chris were all that interested in the idea of eating them....it was the hunt they loved.

As usual, Ben ended up soaked. :)

The island has a stark beauty that is like nothing I have seen before.

Morgan's boat ~ I never asked if it had a name.....

Joe, Una, and Ella ~ these are three great kids!  

Here is Ben on the ride back to the mainland.  

Morgan, Chris, and Jeff on the ride back.  It was a lovely ride....not too cold or breezy and the sun was going down as we made our way across the water...pretty magical.

The tide was out when we got back, so Morgan had to drop us off quite a way from where he picked us up.  We got to climb over rocks covered in seaweed that were totally underwater earlier.

We headed back to the O'Sullivan's house and had a delicious meal of lasagna together.  The boys got to play a soccer video game with Joe, which they loved.  We got to visit in the kitchen with Margaret and Morgan which was a delight since we don't get a whole lot of interaction with just other adults on these extended trips.  It was the perfect end to a wonderful day.  We are so blessed to have made these new friends in Ireland....thanks so much to all the O'Sullivans!!

1 comment:

  1. I find your husband to be very attractive. Just sayin'...
