...so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him. Hebrews 9:28

Friday, 29 March 2013

Practice Post

Seeing as I only seem to make time to blog when we travel and we are about to embark on another big trip, I thought I better do a practice post to make sure I still remember how to do it.  I do not have anything exciting to blog about so I am just posting a few pictures from a walk Ben and I recently took with Charlee. 

I like to walk her in the farm fields behind the houses across the street from us.  She is on the leash in this picture, but if I am feeling daring, I let her off leash.  MOST of the time she comes back to me.  It is worth the few times I have to chase her down to see the joy she has in running free.  

 Ben had a blast checking out all the cool ice formations in the farm field.

Does anyone have any idea what kind of birds these are?  I thought Charlee was going to try to chase them down but she seemed to realize she was not only outnumbered, but completely outsized as well.

This picture makes it looks like she is actually listening. :)

 I am happy to say that the snow is FINALLY starting to melt ~ though that made the field very muddy.  Charlee needed her first bath....well, it was a shower actually.  She wasn't sure what to think at first, but I think by the end she didn't mind it.  In this picture she is waiting for her ears to dry.

Ben thought that Charlee needed a bow to complete her new clean, sweet-smelling image.  He made her one, but it lasted about as long as her sweet smell.  We sure will miss her while we are gone.

Tune in to follow us on our upcoming Irish adventure!