No, I don't go around quoting Shakespeare every day, but I am in a Shakespeare kind of mood! Over the weekend we went to Staunton, a town about 40 miles west of Charlottesville, to the Blackfriars Playhouse. It is a Shakespearean theater, built along similar lines as the Globe Theater, which we toured in London. We saw a wonderful performance of The Comedy of Errors. We read some great abridged versions of Shakespeare with our homeschooling, and though Ben and I had already read this one, we read it again on the way to Staunton. This was a good thing, because The Comedy of Errors can be a bit confusing. I think we all thoroughly enjoyed it. The actors were very talented. In addition to the play, they entertained the audience with music before the show and during the intermission.

Here are Ben and Chris outside the theater before the show. Unfortunately there was absolutely NO photography anywhere inside the theater, which they enforced with threat of the sword, but I bought a postcard and took a picture of it (hence the poor quality of the photo below). At least it gives you an idea. :)
After the show, we walked around Staunton and had dinner at the Depot Grille ~ it is a train station made into a restaurant ~ a fun place.
Was a great day overall. It has me motivated to start reading Shakespeare's plays in their original form. Would also like to get back to the Globe and see a performance there.